Native Plants Wake Up!

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Here they come! snowdrops

Have you ever–after a winter night’s sound sleep– poked your head out from under the bedcovers into the morning light?

If yes, you can understand the wild seed. After the dark night of winter underground, the tiny plant is now feeling its way out of its seed coat…up through the moist soil…stretching up to the warm sun… growing its first bright green leaves. The trees wake up and drink in the sun. It’s Spring! Our native plants are growing again!

What are Native Plants?


Trees, grasses, flowers that have, for ages, grown naturally together in a certain place in nature–a rocky outcropping, for instance, or a high alpine meadow, a forest, or on the plains. Each has its own special kind and mixture of plants because it has its own special soil– some are full of sand, some sticky clay, others are rocky and still others are good earth for growing crops–and some are mixed. Each has its own special climate–dry, windy, snowy, sunny, shady, warm, cold and some are mixed.

These plants know how to create just the right kind of environment so they can all live well in their particular place. But that’s not all…

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