Hard Rock Mining Tour: Horseshoe Willie W. Lodes

Horseshoe and Willie W. Lodes

Getting There

This site is closed to the public for safety reasons

Both the Horseshoe and nearby Willie W. Lodes were operated by the same owner. Although they contained valuable gold, it was very difficult to access. In 1938, groundwater flooded the Horseshoe mine shaft. The cost to purchase the equipment and to drain the shaft was more than the gold in the mountain was worth. Although the Willie W. Lode was still accessible, the owner could only afford to keep up operations when both mines were producing, so both mines were abandoned.

Like the thousands of nameless miners who came to these mountains hoping to strike it rich, the operator of these mines left without making his fortune and has been mostly forgotten. Today, several buildings still remain on the site, including a cabin, bunkhouse, office, garage, and two privies.

Did You Know?

There are approximately 500,000 abandoned mines in the United States, mostly in the west!


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